Ok people...I apologize to those who read this blog. I realize I have not posted anything since January, so I'm sorry for the delay. Basically in the past 4

months or so, I have been to Mexico, studied like crasy for the AP US History Exam and spent time with friends and family. I'm not going to go into details about everything, as I'm sure it would bore lots of you. So I just want to let you all know that life has been hectic but good. I feel like my relationship with God has been strained lately because I am always busy studying and doing homework. I know that is NO excuse and I could probably be finding plenty of time to spend time with Him. Although I am not as close with God as I would hope right now, He still reminds me that He'll never leave me or forsake me, no matter how far away I get. I've seen His work so much these past few months. From beautiful nature to seeing His work be done through the missions trip in Mexico, God has really revealed his majesty to me.

In going to the beach, Silver Falls and Mexico I've seen pieces of God's beautiful creation and His hand at work. While sitting on the beach, I was reminded of the passage in Psalm 139:
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.
As I sat on the beach, with a handful of sand, I could not even begin to count the grains of sand on just one of my fingertips. I was in simply in awe. At Silver Falls, I realized how simply beautiful Oregon is and how blessed I am to live in such a gorgeous place. In Mexico, I just learned a lot, and although I'm not going to go into every detail, all I can say is that I was amazed at ho

w God can use any situations and any people to further his kingdom. 7 kids were led to Christ that week and I think that is just so incredible!!
I'm looking forward to the summer and I would appreciate it if you could pray for me and the people at my church who are going on a missions trip to Autlan, Mexico this August. I am very excited and I know God will do amazing work there and use us in many ways. I will hopefully stay more up to date on these posts and I apologize again for the delay! I love you all and I hope you are doing well!!
Trying to live for HIM daily,