Hey there! So I decided to start a blog. No clue what I'll put on it, or if i will keep it up to date, but it sounded like fun! So, my name is Hannah and I come from the wonderful city of Salem, OR... also home to the giant gold man! Pretty exciting... my life at the time consists mainly of school and my amazing church and youth group. Crosswalk (my youth group) is a passion of mine and I love to hang out with the people there. Junior American Humanities is my full-time job. The words, "To what extent..." make me cringe. (if you are in that class, you know what I mean...haha). So yeah, basically what you need to know is that I love my amazing God and my desire is to honor and serve Him in all that I do. I also love my awesome friends and family and enjoy every second I spend with them. My favorite band is Audio Adrenaline and they taught me to be an UNDERDOG!!! So I guess I will talk later. Sometimes I will blog exciting things that happened or cool things the Lord has taught me. So I guess I will be talking to you later!!
Cool site! I love the dots!!
Hannah is the coolest!!
Hey I like the new blog, and I hope that you keep it updated...OH MAN I CAN'T WAIT FOR NOBALL!!!
hey hey,its Ryan by the way. it says richard but its RYAN!!! pretty cool site. i'm glad you know how to use a computer (cough cough) lol, well anyways. can not WAIT for tongiht. its going to rock. can't wait to see your movie lol. "CERIAL KILLER"! lol. Type back k? CHOW!!!
hey hannah! awesome blog. i love the polka dots!! =) i can't wait to see you over spring break! love you tons and miss you a lot!
Hey everyone! thanks for the comments. Jess I miss you so much already and I am also looking forward to seeing ya over spring break! and i thought you'd like the polka dots. heehee :)
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