I have come to the realization that I am horrible at blogging. So I apologize for that. :)
At the moment, I am sitting on my couch, sipping a mocha, taking in the rainy fall weather and feeling quite content. It's been a long time since I've blogged so I'll quickly recap what has been happening in my life:
1) I helped out at our Church's VBS- Outrigger Island, at the end of July. I led the songs along with Tay and my mom and we had tons of fun being "hula girls" together. The kids loved it and it was great to be a part of.
2) On Aug

ust 8th, 13 people from Bethany, including myself, went on a 10-day missions trip to Autlan, Mexico where we assisted the Bruggemans in their ministry at a Regional Training Center there, a facility which hosts missions groups and different events. In Autlan, we led a VBS at local church, visited an Indian Camp where we shared a bible story with the kids and showed them Christ's love for them along with ours, and we helped out with different projects around the center and at another missionary family's house. We painted and cleaned bathrooms and did dishes and swept and fun stuff like that! Another awesome thing we did was lead conversation clubs at a local Christian Coffee House, La Roca. There, English students

from La Roca came to practice their english by having conversations with people from our group. We met two teens named Fani and Rafael there so if you could, please remember to pray for them that they will both come to know the Lord Jesus as their personal savior. The trip in Autlan was absolutely amazing: my eyes were opened and God reaffirmed my heart for missions once again. I met some awesome people- adults and kids- and I was reminded once again that Mexico is my second home. After the group left, Jarren and I were privelaged to spend an extra week with the Bruggeman family. It was so amazing to have a week to hang out with Jess and our

friendship grew even more. We had tons of fun eating tacos, watching movies, going to La Roca, shopping, stargazing, "bat" chasing, splatter painting, etc. I was sad to leave and I'll never forget those two and a half weeks I spent in Mexico this summer!
3) School started again... I was sad that the summer had to come to an end, but I was ready for school again. Classes aren't that bad and I'm surviving the homework load for now. I'm excited to see what my senior year holds for me.
I've been sick for a few days, so that really stinks. Colds are not fun but I'm hoping I am coming to the end of it. Today, I am heading to Portland to see one of my best friends, Sarah, whom I haven't seen since I was in Mexico! (That's two and a half months- way too long!) So I am pretty psyched about spending the night at her dorm with her in Multnomah.
Last month was a strange one for me; I went through a few struggles and was down a lot. Now, I am once again reminded that my God
always knows the plan- HIS plan. I learned to rely on Him in hard times and to let Him be my strength. I can't hold all my burdens alone, and I learned that when I give it over to Him, I will recieve His peace. Right now, I am content in the love of Jesus and I am feeling very grateful for many things: amazing friends, a supportive family, an incredible church, the comforting feel of fall: leaves changing color

s; hot dirnks like coffee, hot cocoa, and apple cider; the smell of the autumn air; wearing comfy sweaters; seeing pumpkins and haystacks and apples around; the list goes on and on...
I am so excited for fall- my favorite season. It's hard to explain but there are so many things about fall that just make me feel so content and thankful. I can't wait to see what's going to happen and I will try my hardest to keep you all more updated! Sorry again for the delay!
All for HIM,
Hannah :D
In the pic from VBS it looks like you only have one leg...lol.
The pic of you, me and Sarah is like one of my favorite pictures of all time, I love it!! :D
I know...i stand like that without even realizing it sometimes. its funny. and yeah i love that picture of the three of us TONS!!!
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